MOLLE and his PALS

(You) after finishing reading this guide.

I really like MOLLE system. It allows more efficient use of storage by letting you wear multiple pockets on the same layer without conflicts. Not only that, but the overall encumbrance is also reduced because when an item is attached to a carrier, only the additional encumbrance of it's storage volume is accounted for - the baseline encumbrance when empty is ignored.
An extreme example of this is the front-to-back double holster: it has a whopping 8 encumbrance when empty, going to 10 when both pockets are full. When attached to a load bearing vest, however, it only increases it's maximum encumbrance by 2, with no effect if it is empty.
The regular holster causes 3 encumbrance when worn and it goes up to 4 with something in it - if it is attached instead, it will add nothing when empty and +1 when filled. Using it as an attachment also has the extra benefit of not occupying a layer on your leg that you could use to carry a flask full of vodka or a scabbard with a claymore.
As an additional note, the holster has an XS variation that has triple encumbrance penalty if your character isn't tiny, this penalty is also ignored if you attach it to something instead of wearing it directly. It is the only attachable item with a XS version.

Now that you understand why you'd want to use it, you need to understand how to use it. Clothing with MOLLE capabilities have it listed on it's actions as "Attach pockets" and "Remove pockets", they have a certain number of slots for that. Some of them also have MOLLE right there in the name.
Containers with straps to attach to MOLLE will state that they can "attach directly to load bearing vests", each item will take a certain number of slots when attached.
To attach a pocket, simply activate the MOLLE item while having a valid container nearby or in your inventory.
Figuring out how to remove an attachment is left as an exercise for the reader.

From now, for the sake of simplicity and based on how items are flagged internally, I will use MOLLE to refer to the clothes you can attach containers to, and PALS to refer to the containers you can attach to the clothes.

With the why and how figured out, the only thing left is the what. Specifically what attachs to what.
MOLLE can commonly be found on dead soldiers and cops, and can be spotted by the "+3" (or some other number) on their name, indicating how many PALS are attached to them. Feel free to remove the perfectly clean PALS in pristine condition from the filthy ripped body armor, and then attach to something else.
Here is the full list of items to look out for:

== Backpacks ==
MOLLE assault pack 6 0.15 5
MOLLE medium rucksack 8 0.15 6
MOLLE large rucksack 10 0.15 8
hunting backpack 4 0.20 10
== Load Bearing Vests ==
light 4 0.30 1
medium 8 0.25 2
heavy 14 0.20 4
* with sling = = =
breacher 8 0.20 4
== Ballistic Vests ==
light 6 0.30 1
US/SWAT 10 0.30 6
heavy 10 0.30 6
fbi 6 0.30 4
XL 12 0.25 8
XL mild steel plates = = 14
XL tempered steel plates = = 20
== Other ==
MOLLE webbing belt 4 0.35 1
riot armor suit 6 0.30 6
riot chest guard 6 0.30 6
mercenary coat 10 0.30 6
== Undefined VEM ==
dragon skin vest 10 1 8
EOD jacket 15 1 71
tactical EOD jacket 15 1 31
EOD trousers 4 1 80
tactical EOD trousers 6 1 40
heavy combat exoskeleton torso armor 10 1 8


And here are all the attachments, alongside possible values for their max encumbrance depending on where they are attached:

== SINGLE ITEM, generic ==
flashlight pouch 1 500mL 500g 37cm 40 .3 .4 .5 .6
canteen pouch 2 1751mL 3.8kg 23cm 40 1.05 1.4 1.75 2.1
tactical holster 1 1L 2kg 30cm 70 min vol:0.30L .6 .8 1 1.2
fast draw holster 2 490mL 2kg 25cm 30 min vol:0.10L .29 .39 .49 .59
holster 2 1L 2kg 30cm 50 min vol:0.25L .6 .8 1 1.2
large holster 3 1.5L 5kg 525mm 70 min vol:0.50L .9 1.2 1.5 1.8
side-by-side double holster 3 2x 1L 2x 2kg 30cm 70,70 min vol:0.25L 1.2 1.6 2 2.4
front-to-back double holster 3 2x 1L 2x 2kg 30cm 50,80 min vol:0.25L 1.2 1.6 2 2.4
== SINGLE ITEM, flagged ==
sheath 1 750mL 2kg 70cm 20 SHEATH_KNIFE .45 .6 .75 .9
small belt loop 1 500mL 500g 30cm 50 BELT_CLIP .3 .4 .5 .6
medium belt loop 2 1.5L 1.5kg 60cm 50 BELT_CLIP .9 1.2 1.5 1.8
large belt loop 3 2L 6kg 1m 50 BELT_CLIP 1.2 1.6 2 2.4
chest ammo pouch 1 750mL 2kg 24cm 40 .45 .6 .75 .9
ankle ammo pouch 1 250mL 2kg 24cm 40 .15 .2 .25 .3
leg ammo pouch 2 2x .5L 2x 2kg 24cm 40 .6 .8 1 1.2
ammo satchel 3 1.5L 2kg 30cm 40 also MAG_BULKY .9 1.2 1.5 1.8
triple stacker ammo pouch 3 3x 300mL + 3x 400mL 6x 2kg 20cm,24cm 40 1.26 1.68 2.1 2.52
tactical grenade pouch 1 .75L 2kg 127mm 30 .45 .6 .75 .9
large grenade pouch 3 4x .75L 4x 2kg 127mm 30 1.8 2.4 3.0 3.6
pistol bandolier 1 20 18 pistol rounds
wrist bandolier 1 20 4 rifle rounds
rifle bandolier 2 20 16 rifle rounds
tactical shotshell pouch 2 30 20 .300 / 12 shot
grenade pouch 2 20 4 launcher grenades
ammo pouch 3 35 60 small rounds
paper cartridge pouch 3 20 14 paper cartridges
stone pouch 3 20 80 pebbles / 10 rocks
nylon quiver 3 20 20 arrows/bolts
== GENERAL PURPOSE, single pocket ==
tactical radio pouch 1 500mL 500g 13cm 40 .3 .4 .5 .6
gadget pouch 1 1L 2kg 15cm 80 .6 .8 1 1.2
tactical dump pouch 2 2L 4kg 20cm 80 1.2 1.6 2 2.4
IFAK pouch 2 3.2L 4kg 20cm 100 1.92 2.56 3.2 3.84
tactical tool pouch 3 2753mL 8kg 305mm 80 1.65 2.2 2.75 3.30
== GENERAL PURPOSE, multiple pockets ==
H2O pouch 2 total: 2.48L 1.48 1.98 2.47 2.97
== pocket 1 2048mL 5kg 254mm 80
== pocket 2 426mL 3kg 165mm 80
gas mask pouch 2 total: 4.65L 2.79 3.72 4.65 5.58
== main compartment 3546mL 3kg 27cm 80
== side pocket 950mL 500g 12cm 80
== divider 150mL 250g 17cm 80
deployment bag 3 total: 6.4L 3.84 5.12 6.4 7.68
== center pocket 3.4L 6kg 25cm 100
== front pocket 1.8L 6kg 22cm 100
== side pocket (x2) 600mL 6kg 15cm 100


Now you must be asking yourself what is that VEM thing. But for that to make sense, I need to explain a bit of the pocket system first.

There are two types of containers: rigid and non-rigid. Rigid containers always have the same size and thus the same encumbrance. Non-rigid containers have a minimum volume when empty and will grow as it gets full.
The encumbrance caused by a container you wear depends only on its volume; weight doesn't matter. That's why rigid containers have a static value: since its volume doesn't change, it simply uses its defined encumbrance without changes. Non-rigid containers will linearly increase their encumbrance as their volume grows, up to its maximum defined value when at maximum capacity.
If the maximum value is not defined, it will fallback to VEM; it stands for Volume Encumber Modifier, defined in the volume_encumber_modifier JSON field.

There are 2 ways in which the range of encumbrance of a non-rigid container is defined: either as an actual range in the form [empty encumb,full encumb] (the standard holster is defined as [3,4]), or by specifying a volume_encumber_modifier field and letting the engine figure out the additional encumbrance based on that, according to the formula: VEM * stored volume / 250ml
The default VEM is 1, meaning that the container will gain 1 extra encumbrance for every 250ml it holds. That's the baseline for something that's terrible at distributing weight - proper wearable containers have much lower VEM. Lower VEM is good.

When it comes to PALS, they all have a defined VEM of 0.3 (except for the canteen pouch, it has 0.2), but it doesn't matter because you shouldn't be wearing them directly anyway. When attached to a MOLLE, their VEM gets replaced by the MOLLE's - therefore the same setup on different clothings will have different max encumb.
More encumbrance-efficient MOLLEs probably have a higher baseline encumbrance when empty, so they aren't worth using unless you're stacking them full of PALS.
Here is a graph comparing the encumbrance on load bearing vests according on their volume:

Encumbrance is an integer so it gets rounded down.
Notice how between 3.5L and 10.5L they have a difference of at most 1 encumbrance - this means they are basically the same in most setups so disregard what I said above lmao

My Hot Takes


Don't use the ones with undefined VEM.
Also don't use the ones in the Other section.

I don't know why you would want MOLLE backpacks, but...

I already compared the Load Bearing Vests, so now I'll talk about the Ballistic Vests:


The ones that carry only specific items should be used only if you use that specific item.
Only the spiciest of hot takes on this site. (and I say "only" a lot)
But you should probably carry magazines instead of loose ammo, unless you're using a revolver or something.
As for the ones that accept exclusively magazines, you should stick to the chest ammo pouch. It can fit a good handful of mags, and by process of elimination: the triple stacker and ammo satchel are overkill, ankle ammo pouch will probably be too small for you, and the leg ammo pouch is worse than attaching 2 chest pouches.
Oh, and both pockets for grenades are bad, just stash your nades in a general purpose pocket. Same for any loose ammo you might wanna carry outside of mags.

We can also eliminate useless holsters:

The general purpose pockets are a bit harder to rule out and will depend on what you with to store, but here is a rule of thumb: you don't want a bunch of useless clutter slowing you down in the middle of a fight. It's good to have first aid supplies on you for when you inevitably take a serious hit, but I prefer to use an armband pouch for that instead. Seriously, it can fit a small homemade grenade and still have space for bandages, alcohol wipes, painkillers, and homeostatic powders - all at the cost of zero encumbrance. On the armband on other arm I like to put small tools, a cellphone and a small scope (for better mapping).
In short, if you want to use your body armor for storage: don't.

I think the only real application of this type of PALS is to increase the capacity of backpacks. To that end, stacking a bunch of gas mask pouches give you the most bang for your buck, with 2.325L per slot. The deployment bag comes very close, at 2.13L per slot, and might be a better choice if you need to carry denser items.
If you somehow need to store multiple long items, you can use the tactical tool pouch - the only other containers with higher max length are single-item.
Special mention to the tactical radio pouch, by the way, for having a movecost of 40; it is practically a multi-item holster. if you can find something that fits in there

Making a Loadout

Now that you know all there is to know, here are the basics to build an efficient loadout with MOLLE:

And here is the stuff you're gonna attach:

holster 2 1L 2kg 30cm 50 1.2 pistol
chest ammo pouch 1 750mL 2kg 24cm 40 0.9 ammo for your pistol and main gun
sheath 1 750mL 2kg 70cm 20 0.9 baby knife
large belt loop 3 2L 6kg 1m 50 2.4 hooligan bar, but only if you're exploring a place full of locked doors (it can even open metal ones)
tactical radio pouch 1 500mL 500g 13cm 40 0.6 in case you need anything else, but keep it minimal. and remember that a small grenade can get you out of a tight spot (if you don't fuck it up)
tactical holster 1 1L 2kg 30cm 70 1.2 tactical molotov (for that which bullets do not hurt)
TOTAL up to 9 up to +7 depends on how many of these you're gonna attach, and assumes all pockets are at max capacity


Of course, that's assuming you want to wear a BV as your outer armor, but you might not fear bullets and prefer to wear a suit of armor or something like that instead. In that case, go ahead and put the above in a LBV. Hell, attach a sling to it, even. Just replace the holster with a tactical holster so it all fits in the 8 slots of a medium LBV.
The LBV might be slightly less efficient, but it has the added benefit of easily being worn over anything else.