All the arcane knowledge I possess on the Snoot Game lore

The following documents aims to explain in detail the history of Snoot Game and the context of its creation. It covers everything from the very beginnings of its conceptualization by anonymous 4chan users, elaborating on the sources of inspirations for its inception and how the original material they used evolved into what Snoot Game became, to the cultural significance of its existence as a form of self-expression by sexually deviant basement dwellers with a thing for women with animalistic traits, such as scales and a massive torpedo of a snout.


If you haven't played Snoot Game yet, you absolutely should. I'm not gonna tell you anything about it, you should simply go download it right now. It's best if you go in blind, that's how I went. My homie Mahi is the one who recommended it to me and didn't say much about it - normally I'd need an extensive essay explaining why I should even bother checking out a game, but I know he only recommends me straight gas, so I just played it. And honestly, it's for the best he didn't tell me anything about it or I'd have thought it's gay as hell, which is also why I'm not telling you anything, just see it for yourself.

But I'll tell you this: I can guarantee it's not gay, and I think it's pretty clear by now that I'm an expert on non-gay things so you can safely trust me on this one, bro.


I'm used to being able to easily find info on games. With the exception of niche games by a sole developer with a small audience, I basically take for granted that there is a wiki out there with fairly complete info on the game. That wasn't the case with Snoot Game and I found it outrageous.
After I finished it, I wanted to know more about the masterminds behind it, as well as clarify the rumours I heard of it being a fangame that somehow came out before the original game itself. But with precious little intel available and a lot of misinformation scattered around, I was completely flabbergasted by everything about the game.
I quickly learned that no rumours were to be taken at face value, as past events are very prone to go through the game of telephone, thus I set out to look for direct sources for everything that I heard; do my own research, as I have always been told to.

The following is the result of 6 months of my ravenous devouring of all the material I could find on Cyberspace related to Snoot Game: articles, newsletters, press releases, threads, videos... All to answer the one burning question that arose during my preliminary research: Why?
By what mechanism does one out-of-place trailer in one console reveal stream causes a group of a few dozen anonymous basement dwellers with zero experience developing games to band together for the better part of a year to produce the best snoot kissing simulator I have ever played? All I ever saw were greentexts poorly explaining what happened.
What the fuck does "she got bullied by everyone and /v/ fell in love with her" mean?
What does it mean???

I now climb out from the rabbit hole with a collection of 16 pages with 25573 words and 125 references in total, explaining in deep detail the butterfly effect behind that sequence of events.
I know it's probably a lot for your deep-fried ADHD zoom-zoom brain to read, but fret not, there are 271 pictures to help maintain your attention span.
Begin reading ==>

Or go to a section directly.
If you wanna skip directly to the question posed above, go to page 5. Everything before it is just contextualizing, and everything after was just my curiosity getting the better of me again. And you can tell I started to get lazy past that point.

  1. Sony
  2. KO_OP
  3. Goodbye Volcano High
  4. Intermission
  5. A Snoot Is Born
  6. Cavemanon Rising
  7. Intermission
  8. Release
  9. cameos and inside jokes
  10. Snoot Review
  11. Aftermath
  12. Intermission
  13. Final Considerations (1 comments)